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बिहान बेलुकी काम गर्नेमा मुटु रोगको खतरा बढी

साउन १२ - दिउँसो भन्दा बिहान बेलुकी काम गर्नेहरुमा मुटु रोगको खतरा बढी हुने एक अध्ययनले देखाएको छ । बेलायतको ब्रिटिश मेडिकल जर्नलले गरेको अध्ययनले बिहान बेलुकी काम गर्दा उनीहरुको जीवनशैलीमा समेत प्रतिकुल असर पर्ने देखाएको बीबीसीले छ । अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरुका अनुसार बिहान बेलुकी काम गर्ने २३ प्रतिशतलाई हृदयाघात, २४ प्रतिशतलाई मुटुको धमनीमा समस्या र ५ प्रतिशतलाई मुटुको धड्कनमा समस्या हुने खतरा हुन्छ ।

नर्वे र क्यानडाका अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरुले ३४ वटा अध्ययनको संयुक्त बिश्लेषण गरी बिहान बेलुकी काम गर्नेहरुले खानपानलाई समेत व्यवस्थित नगर्ने पाईएकाले मुटुको समस्या देखिने बताएका छन् । यसरी काम गर्नेहरुलाई उच्च रक्तचापको पनि उत्तिकैै खतरा हुने विश्लेषकहरुको भनाई छ । खानेकुरामा ध्यान दिए र चुरोटको सेवन नगरे मुटु स्वस्थ राख्न सकिने विज्ञहरुले बताएका छन् ।

करेन्ट लागेर मृत्यु

तेह्रथुम, साउन १३ - तेह्रथुम साब्लाको हलिमेलामा शुक्रवार राति करेन्ट लागेर एक युवाको ज्यान गएको छ । हलिमेलामा सिलाई–कटाई ब्यवसाय गर्दै आएका २९ बर्षिय हेमबहादुर नेपालीको करेन्ट लागेर ज्यान गएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । राति बिजुलीको स्विच अफ गर्ने क्रममा करेन्ट लागेका नेपालीको राति नै ज्यान गएको प्रहरी नायव निरीक्षक विष्णुबहादुर खड्काले जानकारी दिनुभयो । पौंठाक ७ घर भएका नेपाली दुई वर्षअघिदेखि साब्लाको हलिमेलामा सिलाई कटाई ब्यवसाय गर्दै आउनुभएको थियो ।

मृतक नेपालीका एक छोरा, एक छोरी र श्रीमती छन् ।

पाल्पामा भएको गाडी दुर्घटनामा १४ को मृत्यु

देव पचभैया/उज्यालो । पाल्पा, साउन १३ - पाल्पाको जोर्तेमा निजी गाडी दुर्घटना हुँदा १४ जनाको ज्यान गएको छ । २ जना गम्भीर घाइते भएका छन् । पाल्पा गुल्मी सडकखण्डको देउराली गाबिसमा पर्ने जोर्तेमा गाडी सडकबाट कुरुङ्ग खोलामा खस्दा ज्यान गुमाउनेको परिचय भने खुलिनसकेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय पाल्पाले जनाएको छ ।

मृतक मध्ये एकजना भारतीय मुलका चालक र बाँकी नेपाली मुलका रहेको स्थानीयवासिन्दाले जनाएका छन् । स्थानीय ज्ञानेन्द्र गैरेका अनुसार १४ जनाकै शव खोलाबाट निकाल्ने काम भइरहेको छ । भारतबाट बाबुको काजकिरिया गर्न घर आएका एकै परिवार र छिमेकीहरु दुर्घटनामा परेको हुन सक्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ । बिहान साढे सात बजेतिर स्थानीयवासिन्दाले देखेपछि दुर्घटनाबारे प्रहरीलाई खबर गरेका थिए । घाईतेलाई उपचारका लागि मेडिकल कलेज प्रभास लगिएको छ ।

Suspect arrested in speed skate theft

Jesse Michael Wood
Jesse Michael Wood
KEARNS, Utah (ABC 4 News) - An arrest has been made following a theft at the Kearns Olympic Oval.

According to the Unified Police Department's Justin Hoyle, Jesse Michael Wood was identified following a release of the surveillance video from the scene. Detectives received multiple tips and additional information about the suspects, leading to Wood's arrest.

Wood and an unknown male entered the Kearns Olympic Skating Oval and committed several thefts from lockers. Officials say property stolen included two cell phones and a pair of custom skates that cost several thousand dollars.

Wood was booked into the Salt Lake County Jail for felony theft.

Authorities are reporting the unknown suspect at large has a mustache and a tattoo on his left shoulder.

If you have any information as to the identity of the second suspect, contact UPD at either 801-743-7000 or 801-967-4420.

Neighbors react to naked child and number of sex offenders living in the area

Natalie Meza is charged with child abuse and child endangerment charges. Her son was found wandering Center Street in Midvale nude in the middle of the night.
Natalie Meza is charged with child abuse and child endangerment charges. Her son was found wandering Center Street in Midvale nude in the middle of the night.
MIDVALE, UTAH (ABC 4 News) – People who live near Center Street and Main Street in Midvale are reacting to the discovery a little boy who was found all alone Wednesday night and the number of registered sex offenders who live nearby.

The little boy was found walking around naked and alone a couple of block from his home. His mother, Natalie Meza was found down the street at a neighborhood bar. She was arrested for child abuse and child endangerment. The little boy was place in state care.

Leslie Rosas said she was “surprised” to learn about the incident with the boy. And she was even more surprised to learn that ten known sex offenders lived within a mile of Center and Main intersection. Her friend Jackie Servin reacted the same way. While looking at a sex offender map she said she was “shocked.” And 84-year-old Paul Wright shook his head and simply said “That’s terrible.”

Servin says this story could have ended much differently. “Maybe the little boy could have been raped or killed or something.” And Shane Rodriquez says the boy is very fortunate that someone with evil intent didn’t find him that night.

If you want to check out the sex offender registry click on this link:

Wildfire burns in Cedar Mountains west of Tooele

(ABC 4 News)
(ABC 4 News)
TOOELE, Utah (ABC 4 news) - A wildfire started Friday evening in the Cedar Mountain range, west of Tooele.

There are no buildings being threatened at this time.

The cause of the fire has yet to be determined.

Stay tuned to ABC 4 News and for updates on this story.

Street racers caught on camera in Salt Lake Valley

Street racing
Street racing
MILLCREEK, Utah (ABC 4 News) - People in Millcreek said when the sun goes down, 700 East turns into a speedway near 4500 South.

"It upsets me," Derrick Jones, a neighbor, said. "They use the road all the time for racing."

Street racers speed for bragging rights, but they also boost a big disturbance. "You just hear the engines just roar and then you just hear them taking off," Ashly Wagner said.

Wagner said the racing gets fast and furious around midnight. "You just wait for that crash," Wagner said. "It's a scary thing."

A car crash between two drivers on 700 East and 4500 South on Thursday night left residents wondering if racing was responsible.

A Unified Police Spokesman said road rage was likely the cause of the accident, but excessive speeds played a factor.

"Kids are kids," Jones added. "They've got to think about what they're doing."

Wagner dreads the day racers don't see the finish line. She said kicking cars into high gear isn't worth the risk.

"It terrifies me," Wagner added. "I wish it would stop."

If you see street racers in your neighborhood, police urge you to call them.

Gorilla love at Hogle Zoo

Tino the Hogle Zoo gorilla
Tino the Hogle Zoo gorilla (ABC 4 News)

ABC 4 gun story goes viral, sparking debate vigilante justice

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - A story ABC 4 did back in April is now making national headlines. It’s all about how a man with a concealed weapon stops a knife attack. It’s spurring debate over gun control and vigilante justice, and has been views several hundred thousand times.

It's a day witnesses may never forget.

"He just started stabbing people and yelling," said Dorothy Espinoza, witness.

Back in April, a man with a knife stabbed two people outside the Smith's grocery store near 500 East and 400 South in Salt Lake City. But a regular citizen armed with a gun, stopped the man before he could find another victim.

"A guy pulled gun on him and told him to drop his weapon or he would shoot him. So, he dropped his weapon and the people from Smith's grabbed him," said Espinoza.

Although it happened three months ago, Friday, both the Drudge Report and posted links of ABC 4’s online story to their websites. As of Friday evening it's received over 320,000 hits, and hundreds of comments.

One reader writes -

“Finally, some coverage of an armed citizen, protecting the people of the store, the customers and even the attacker in a way that is totally legal, and legitimate.”

And another –

“A baseball bat would have worked just as well.”

It's spurring more debate over the right to carry guns, and if regular citizens should take the law into their own hands. Gun lobbyist Clark Aposhian told ABC 4 he wishes more people would step up like this.

"When violent crime occurs law enforcement is not there to help you, and you need to act within seconds," said Clark Aposhian, gun lobbyist.

According to a national self defense survey, a citizen with a gun stops crime like this in America roughly 2.5 million times a year.

But if you ask gun control advocate Steve Gunn –

"Society is better off not allowing the carrying of concealed weapons," said Steve Gunn, gun control advocate.

Although an average citizen may have saved lives at the Smith's grocery store, Gunn said guns don't make America safer.

"There are many circumstances where guns act as an accelerant, they cause people to become more belligerent, more aggressive when someone has a gun," he said.

मञ्जरी फिल्मको माईक्रो बसले सासु बुहारीलाई ठक्कर दिंदा बुहारीको अवस्था चिन्ताजनक

बिभिन्न तनावका विच सुटिङ सक्न लागेको फिल्म मञ्जरीको युनिटलाई अन्तिम समयमा आएर अझ ठूलो तनाव आईपरेको छ । कहिले कलाकारको दुर्घटना त कहिले चर्को घामले गर्दा कलाकार बिरामी भएका कारण समस्यामा रहेको सो फिल्म युनिटको माईको बसले आज दुई महिलालाई ठक्कर दिएपछि अर्को तनाव झेल्नु परेको हो ।

मुग्लिङ बजारमा फिल्मको केहि प्याचअप सिन सुटिङका लागि गएको बा १ ज ९८८४ नम्बरको टेक्निसियन र क्यामेरा बोकेको मञ्जरीको माईक्रो बसले धादिङको नौबिसे स्थित सहेले भन्ने स्थानमा साँझ ६ बजे सासु बुहारीलाई ठक्कर दिएको हो । फिल्मका प्रोडक्सन अकाउन्टेन्ट यादव पाण्डेले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार ६५ बर्षिया उजेली चापागाईं (सासु) र ४२ बर्षिया रूकु चापागाईं (बुहारी) लाई अहिले उपचारका लागि ललितपुरको बि एण्ड बि अस्पतालमा भर्ना गरिएको छ ।

सासुको स्वास्थ्य अवस्था सामान्य रहे पनि बुहारीको अवस्था भने चिन्ताजनक रहेको पाण्डेले बताए । पाण्डेका अनुसार बुहारी रूकुको कम्मर मुनीको भागमा गहिरो चोट लागेको छ । उनी अहिले अचेत अवस्थामा रहेको पाण्डेले बताए । फिल्मको युनिट अहिले मुग्लिङ बजारमा नै छ भने अकाउण्टेन्ट पाण्डे बिरामीको रेखदेखका लागि अस्पतालमा छन् । पानी पारेर बाटो चिप्लो भएकाले स्पिडमा रहेको गाडीलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिन नसक्दा चिप्लिएर ति महिलालाई माईक्रोले ठक्कर दिएको फिल्मको निर्माण युनिटले बताएको छ ।

गणेश देव पाण्डेले निर्देशन गरिरहेको सो फिल्मको दुई दिनमा सुटिङ सकिनेछ । टुका ईन्टरटेन्मेन्टको ब्यानरमा निर्माण गरिएको सो फिल्ममा गौरब पहाडी, सुजाता कोईराला र टिका पहाडी मुख्य भुमिकामा छन् ।

Crime Patrol 27th July 2012

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EK THA TIGER - Theatrical Trailer - Salman Khan & Katrina Kaif - Releasing 15th August 2012

Banjaara - Song - Ek Tha Tiger - Salman Khan Katrina Kaif

A royal welcome for the Olympic flame

IOL pic july27 olympic torch royals
Britain's Prince William, along with his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince Harry watch as Olympic torchbearer Wai-Ming Lee hands over the flame to John Hulse (right) during a visit to Buckingham Palace in London.
London - Prince William and his wife Catherine welcomed the Olympic flame to Buckingham Palace on Thursday as 60 000 people partied in Hyde Park to mark the penultimate day of its marathon journey around Britain.

The excitement on the eve of the Games mounted as a delighted William and his wife and his brother Prince Harry applauded as the torch was brought into the palace grounds, with thousands of fans cheering outside the gates.

The flame is touring some of London's best-known landmarks, carried by movie stars, sporting heroes and even UN chief Ban Ki-moon, before it finally makes its dramatic entrance at the Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony.

The royals all wore Team Great Britain T-shirts as the flame stopped at the palace on its way to Hyde Park, where a deafening roar from the crowd greeted the torch before a special concert in its honour.

London's Mayor Boris Johnson whipped them up, telling them “Olympo-mania” was about to go off the scale.

“People are coming from around the world and they're seeing us and they're seeing the greatest city on Earth,” he said.

Johnson said the British team would win “more gold, silver and bronze medals than you need to bail out Greece and Spain together!”

Millions of Londoners have come out onto the streets over the past week to show their support as the pre-Games excitement builds.

A total of 173 torchbearers carried the flame on a journey around London's attractions on Thursday, as it nears the end of its 70-day, 12 875km journey around Britain.

They included Indian movie star Amitabh Bachchan, the United Nations secretary general and Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal.

At Buckingham Palace, Wai Ming-Lee, 38, who volunteers with a disaster mapping charity, brought the flame into the palace grounds, and lit the torch of 56-year-old mountain rescue volunteer John Hulse in front of the royals.

The flame was earlier carried past the Houses of Parliament, while Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the relay to his Downing Street office.

Workers in London's City financial heartland poured out onto the streets to greet the flame.

Hundreds gathered outside St Paul's Cathedral, while others leaned out of their office windows waving British flags.

“The whole office is here. And if you knew how hard we work, it's a big deal”, said Ryan, 20.

At St Paul's, “we talk a lot about peace”, said Reverend Canon Michael Hampel, and the flame coming to visit “is an opportunity to bring the nation together”, he told reporters.

Kevin Craig, who helps a charity which provides limbs to children in developing countries, brought the flame to the cathedral.

“Apart from meeting my wonderful wife and the birth of my children, it was the most amazing time in my life,” he said.

The flame was then carried across the Millennium Bridge over the River Thames by British Paralympic basketball bronze medallist Ade Adepitan.

At the BBC's headquarters in west London, Antoine de Navacelle - the great grand-nephew of Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympics - exchanged the flame at the site of the finish line of the 1908 London Games' White City stadium.

How the flame will be lit in the Olympic Stadium is a closely-guarded secret. - Sapa-AFP

White House: No push for new gun laws

President Barack Obama speaks on the economy at Florida Atlantic University on April 10, 2012 in Boca Raton, Florida. (Marc Serota, Getty Images)
President Barack Obama speaks on the economy at Florida Atlantic University on April 10, 2012 in Boca Raton, Florida. (Marc Serota, Getty Images)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says President Barack Obama will not push for stricter gun laws this election year.

Just one day ago Obama spoke passionately about the need to keep assault weapons off the streets, suggesting that he might plunge into that political fight and challenge Congress to act.

Instead, Obama's stand on the government's role is right where it was after the mass shooting in Colorado last week: Enforce existing law better.

That is same view held by his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, as both reach for broader and more politically appealing ways to keep guns away from killers.

Obama still wants Congress to reinstitute a federal ban on military-style assault weapons. But his spokesman, Jay Carney, says the president is not and has not been pushing for that ban.

Romney ruffles feathers in London

IOL pic july27 mitt romney london

London - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's high-profile overseas trip got off to a rocky start on Thursday when he was forced to clarify a comment seen as criticising London's handling of the Olympics that he came to celebrate.

The Republican candidate ruffled British feathers ahead of his visit by appearing to suggest in a US television interview that London was not ready for the games, whose opening ceremony in the British capital is held on Friday.

“It's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting,” Romney told NBC when asked to analyse London's handling of the Olympics.

He cited what he said was the threat of a strike by immigration and customs officials. “That obviously is not something which is encouraging.”

The comments were seized on by British media and Prime Minister David Cameron defended Britain's handling of the games, after he was forced to deploy extra troops to bolster security to cover a shortfall left by a private contractor.

“We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course, it is easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” Cameron said during a news conference at the Olympic Park in London on Thursday.

The comments, in response to a question about public transport problems ahead of the games, could be uncomfortable reading for Romney, who has made much of his record as the man who saved the failing Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002.

“We talked about the great progress that has been made in organising the Games,” Romney said after meeting Cameron.

“My experience as the Olympic organiser is that there are always a few very small things that end up not going quite right, those get ironed out, and then when the Games themselves begin, the athletes take over,” he said.

Romney has traded on his Olympic experience in his political career, making it a key part of his resume that he cites as a reason why he has the can-do spirit to rebuild the US economy.

The Olympics comments marked an inauspicious start to a week-long overseas trip, designed to establish his foreign policy credentials with voters back home.

London Mayor Boris Johnson added to Romney's discomfort when addressing a cheering crowd in Hyde Park, an Olympics venue in central London.

“I hear there's a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we're ready. He wants to know whether we're ready. Are we ready? Are we ready? Yes, we are,” he roared.

Romney had already been forced to disavow comments by an unnamed adviser who told the Daily Telegraph President Barack Obama had mishandled US-British ties and that Romney better understood the “Anglo-Saxon heritage” between the two countries.

Romney also took the unusual step of acknowledging that he had met with the head of MI6, Britain's foreign intelligence agency, when asked about his discussions with British officials about Syria. Such conversations are not normally discussed publicly.

“I can only say that I appreciated the insights and the perspectives of the leaders of the government here and opposition here as well as the head of MI6 as we discussed Syria and hoped for a more peaceful future for that country,” he said. - Reuters

Sandusky 'Victim 2' may sue Penn State

Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky walks into the Centre County Courthouse before jury selection begins in the Sandusky child sex abuse trial on June 5, 2012 in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Sandusky is a former Penn State assistant football coach charged with sexually abusing children. (Patrick Smith, Getty Images)
Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky walks into the Centre County Courthouse before jury selection begins in the Sandusky child sex abuse trial on June 5, 2012 in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Sandusky is a former Penn State assistant football coach charged with sexually abusing children. (Patrick Smith, Getty Images)
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Lawyers for a man who they say was "Victim 2" in the Jerry Sandusky case have released a pair of voicemails recorded last year, in which a man who is purported to be Sandusky expresses his love.

The lawyers say their client was the boy who was seen being assaulted in the Penn State football team's showers in 2001 by Sandusky. They say he suffered "extensive sexual abuse over many years" both before and after that incident.

And now, they are threatening to sue the university.

The voicemails are dated from September of last year, less than two months before the former Penn State assistant coach was arrested on child sex abuse charges.

In one of the voicemails, the man identified as Sandusky asks whether the person who is purported to be "Victim 2" would like to attend Penn State's next game.

Attorneys say Sandusky left "numerous" voicemails for their client that fall.

The identity of "Victim 2" was one of the remaining mysteries from the trial of Sandusky, which ended in his conviction on 45 sex abuse counts. Those included counts related to "Victim 2", based on the testimony of a former graduate assistant with the team, who described seeing the attack.

Release of Colorado suspect's university docs banned

Accused movie theater shooter James Holmes makes his first court appearance at the Arapahoe County on July 23, 2012 in Centennial, Colorado. According to police, Holmes killed 12 people and injured 58 others during a shooting rampage at an opening night screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" July 20, in Aurora, Colorado. (RJ Sangosti - Pool, Getty Images)
Accused movie theater shooter James Holmes makes his first court appearance at the Arapahoe County on July 23, 2012 in Centennial, Colorado. According to police, Holmes killed 12 people and injured 58 others during a shooting rampage at an opening night screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" July 20, in Aurora, Colorado. (RJ Sangosti - Pool, Getty Images)
DENVER (AP) — A judge overseeing the criminal case against the suspect in the movie theater shooting has ordered the University of Colorado Denver not to release his school records.

Authorities say former neuroscience graduate student James Holmes killed 12 people and injured 58 when he opened fire at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie last Friday.

Numerous media organizations, including The Associated Press, filed open records requests for school records about Holmes.

But in an order signed Monday and released by the school Thursday in response to an open records request by the AP, District Court Judge William Blair Sylvester said releasing the information would impede the investigation.

Randy Foye's incredible journey to the NBA

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 Sports) - When he was three years old, Randy Foye's father died in a motorcycle accident. At the age of six, Foye's mother, who was caught up in drugs, was kidnapped and murdered.

Abandoned, parentless in the rough streets of Newark, New Jersey, Foye was forced to grow up faster than any child should. He had to live with his grandmother, who was battling demons of his own.

"My grandmother was a recovering drug addict, but she was a strong lady," said Foye, who just signed a 1-year contract with the Utah Jazz. "She had to do whatever she had to do to help us get by. It was tough, but at the same time, I don't complain about it because it made me the person I am today."

Rather the turning to a life in the streets, filled with anger and self-pity, Foye dedicated himself to school and basketball. He was now on a mission to prove all the doubters in the world wrong.

"Early on, when I had some setbacks, people said, 'Oh, he won't make it out of high school,'" Foye recalled. "I graduated high school. When I chose to go to Villanova, they said, 'Oh, he won't make it more than a year.' I got my degree there. Every boundary and every uphill battle, I'm defeating them."

Because Foye had so many people help him get to where he is today, from family to coaches to teachers, when he made it big in the NBA, he decided to start the Randy Foye Foundation to help underprivileged kids from the Newark area.

"It could be white kids, black kids, hispanic kids, it don't matter," Foye said. "I just want to see them be successful. We make them sign a contract, and the contract is saying that all these great things that we want you to do and participate in, you have to keep your grades up."

Here's something else you should know about Randy Foye. He was born with a condition called situs inversus, where his internal organs are reversed. So his heart is actually on the right side of his body. The condition does not limit him physically, other than the fact that he gets to throw doctors for a loop every once in a while.

"I figure if my heart is on the right side, it's in the right place," Foye said. "So if it was on the left, it probably would be in the wrong place. But since it's on the right, it's definitely in the right place."

There are a lot of people would attest to that.

Twitter: Data center problems caused outage

Twitter app on a cellphone.  (Scott Hums/ABC 4)
Twitter app on a cellphone. (Scott Hums/ABC 4)

LONDON (AP) - Twitter blamed systems failures - not a crush of traffic around the Olympic games - for an outage on Thursday that saw people around the world experience problems accessing the micro blogging site for more than an hour.

The San Francisco-based company said the outage was caused by a "noteworthy" double failure in its data centers. When one system fails, a parallel one is meant to take over, but two systems coincidentally stopped working at around the same time, Twitter said.

"I wish I could say that today's outage could be explained by the Olympics or even a cascading bug," Mazen Rawashdeh, VP of engineering, said in a statement apologizing to users. "Instead, it was due to this infrastructural double-whammy."

He apologized for giving its users "zilch" instead of the service, saying the company is "investing aggressively" in its systems to avoid a repeat situation.

Visitors to the site on Thursday were greeted with a half-formed message saying that "Twitter is currently down." The fields where a reason for the outage and a deadline for restoring service were apparently meant to go were filled with computer code.

Sluggishness or outages were reported for more than an hour in countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some users were able to post updates through their phones or third-party applications.

Tweets about the Olympic torch, which is wending its way through central London, still poured in, albeit far more slowly than earlier in the day.

When the Olympics open in London on Friday there is expected be an even bigger spike in use of the micro-blogging site.

While the site was affected Thursday, many self-proclaimed "Twitter refugees" flooded Facebook with complaints about Twitter. As usual following outages, "WhileTwitterWasDown" was one of the most-talked about topics on Twitter in the United States. Users cracked jokes about their regained productivity as a result of the downtime - or going outside to get some sunshine.

Twitter said in March that it has more than 140 million active users and that the service sees 340 million Tweets a day.

It was once notorious for its down times, but has since improved its performance. Still, the sheer popularity of the site - and its heavy use by up-to-the-second journalists - mean that even modest outages quickly become news. In June, Twitter experienced problems that lasted about two hours. The company blamed a technical glitch.

Social networking sites are expected o receive an unprecedented surge of activity by sports fans during the Olympics. At the recent UEFA European Football Championship final, users fired off more than 15,000 tweets per second, setting a sports-related record for the site.

Social media users were already complaining about an earlier outage that affected Google's chatting services. The Mountain View, California-based company said Thursday morning that the majority of users were seeing error messages and unable to use its Google Talk service. The issues were resolved five hours later.


Barbara Ortutay in New York contributed to this report.


Cassandra Vinograd and Raphael Satter can (now) be reached at: http://twitter/cassvinograd and http://twitter/razhael

(Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

ABC 4 traces unaccounted sex offenders in Utah

Utah Sex offender registry
Utah Sex offender registry
"I just hope they can keep improving the system and know where all these guys are," -Holly Anderton
DRAPER, Utah (ABC 4 News) - A new study finds as many as 16 percent of all sex offenders in the United States may be cheating the system and living closer to you than you think.

ABC 4 wanted to know how is this happening and what's being done to protect innocent children here in Utah?

A sex offender search reveals hundreds of sex offenders in the Draper area. ABC 4 set out to knock on doors of sex offenders to ask if they really live where claim they do.

The ABC 4 team knocked on five doors. One offender was home, three were gone and one no longer lived at the address posted on the sex offender registry.

Bond said to the owner, "The sex offender registry says this guy Daniel lives here." Holly Anderton responded, "No I've never seen that guy before."

Anderton moved into the home three weeks ago and says as a mother she's concerned.

"I just hope they can keep improving the system and know where all these guys are," said Anderton.

Three percent of Utah's 7,000 sex offenders are unaccounted for, according to Department of Corrections spokesman, Steve Gehrke.

That means about 210 offenders are drifting unnoticed by law enforcement officials in the State.

Gehrke says this is a significant improvement from 2009 when more than 1,000 sex offenders were unaccounted for.

British PM calls Utah 'Middle of Nowhere' following Romney's comment

2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics

2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) There's an Olympic battle brewing between Mitt Romney and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

It was a comment Romney made about security at the London Olympics that set the prime minister off.

On Wednesday, Romney told NBC that it was unclear whether the issues that have plagued the final preparations for the London Games could be overcome.

Romney said London’s Olympic preparations were "disconcerting" and also stated, "It’s hard to know just how well it will turn out."

Cameron later suggested that Romney had a much easier time overseeing the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City because they took place in "the middle of nowhere."

The Salt Lake City Mayor's office responded in kind, saying "While those of us who have had the fortune of visiting London know it is certainly a wonderful city, Prime Minister Cameron's comments likely reflect his lack of familiarity with Salt Lake City."

The comment was posted to Buzzfed by Art Raymond, a spokesman for Mayor Ralph Becker.

"We'd welcome the opportunity to share all that we enjoy here with the PM, including a great number of assets that you'd be hard-pressed to find in London-world-class outdoor recreation, an economy that has prospered even through the recent economic recession, one of the best-educated populations in the world and a rare sense of community and commitment to progressive evolution," the statement continued. "We also hosted the most successful Olympics Winter Games, ever."

Becker added one more addendum to the British PM: "He can stop by any time. We'd love to have him and are happy to send a map so he doesn't run into any trouble locating the middle of nowhere."

After meeting on Thursday with Cameron, Romney backed off his earlier comment, and said he thinks the games will be "highly successful."

Nationwide drought affecting Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - The nationwide drought is hitting Utah, which will ultimately result in a jump of prices at the grocery store.

You never know the true value of water, until the well runs dry. Farmers across Utah have battled drought before, but rarely the entire state all at once, which puts these farmers in unusual territory for federal drought disaster relief funds, as all 29 counties are now eligible for help from the government.

Agriculture in Utah is supplemented by irrigation. Our natural dry climate would not sustain most farming without that network of water. But barley, wheat, and alfalfa growers, as well as grazing animals, rely more on that good 'ol fashioned rain from the sky.

Larry Lewis from the Utah Department of Agriculture said, "We have a lot of livestock interests that are suffering, because of the drought but also the fires we're seeing."

Across the country, farmers are having a harder time feeding their livestock. So it's this area, as well as poultry and pork prices that will go up. Don't expect too much of a jump in prices of fruits and vegetables from both Utah and across the country, because these products are usually grown with sufficient irrigation. In fact, Utah cherry growers are projecting record yields. But as long as there's drought, here or in the heartland, we're going to pay for it.

"We're part of the big picture, so it's likely that food prices will go up." Said Lewis.

आर्यनको आज पहिलो विदेश भ्रमण

हिरो आर्यन सिग्देल आज पहिलो विदेश भ्रमणमा निस्किएका छन् । उनी को संग विदेश गए त्यो खुल्न सकेको छैन तर बेलुकी साढे सात बजेको फ्लाईटबाट उनी एक हप्ताका लागि कतार उडेका हुन् ।

फिल्मीखबरलाई प्राप्त खबर अनुसार नवराज आचार्यले निर्देशन गर्न लागेको फिल्म कलिउडको लोकेशन हन्टका लागि आर्यन त्यता तर्फ उडेका हुन् । तर आर्यनले कतार उड्नु अघि यि बिषयमा फिल्मीखबरले गरेको विभिन्न प्रश्नमा अनभिज्ञता प्रकट गर्दै भ्रमण बारे लुकाउने खोजे । 'म त घुम्नको लागि निस्कन लागेको हुँ अरु केही हैन', कतार उड्ने तयारी गरिरहेका बेला आर्यनले फोनमा भने । अहिले सम्म नेपालको भुमी नछोडेका आर्यन पहिलो विदेश भ्रमण भएकाले होला फोनमा उनको बोली केही हर्षित अनि केही गम्भीर जस्तो सुनिन्थ्यो ।

फिल्मीखबरलाई प्राप्त खबर अनुसार हाल अमेरिकामा रहेका निर्देशक नवराज आचार्य पनि कतार ल्याण्ड हुदैछन् । नेपाल आउने क्रममा नवराज कतार बस्न लागेको स्रोतको भनाई छ । कतारमा कलिडबाट डेब्यू गर्न लागेका हिरो बिष्णु कार्कीको फ्ल्याटमा उनीहरु बस्नेछन् । एक हप्ताको पिरियडमा आर्यन, बिष्णु र नवराजले कलिउड खिच्नका लागि लोकेशन फाईनल गर्ने बुझिएको छ । सम्भवत भदौ महिनाको अन्त्य तिर कलिउडको सुटिङ स्टार्ट हुने बुझिएको छ तर त्यस अघि आर्यन नवल नेपालको फिल्ममा ब्यस्त हुनेछन् ।

हिरोईन हेरफेरको लफडमा कलिउडकी फष्टकाष्ट हिरोईन नम्रता श्रेष्ठ हुन् भने सेकेन्ड काष्टको बिषयमा कलिउड यूनिटले केही बताईएको छैन । यस अघि सेकेन्ड काष्टमा रिमा विश्वकर्मा लिने बताईएको थियो तर रिमाले पनि उक्त रोल नगर्ने भएपछि निर्देशक आचार्यको टाउको निकै नराम्ररी दुखेको थियो जुन खबरलाई यस अघि फिल्मीखबरले प्रकाशित गरिसकेको छ । कलिउड हिरोईनको नेपाली फिल्मउद्योगमा हुने संघर्ष माथि केन्द्रित भएर बन्न लागेको फिल्म हो ।

मञ्जरी हिरोईन सार्वजनिक

फोटो आउट हुने डरले फेसबुक र ट्वीटरको प्रयोग गर्न समेत बञ्चित गराएको मञ्जरी युनिटले आफ्नो फिल्मको हिरोईन सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । प्रि-प्रोडक्सनको करिब चार महिने अवधिमा मिडियाबाट समेत टाढा राखेको मञ्जरी युनिटले बुधबार अनामनगर स्थित नूतन स्टूडियोमा एक हुल सञ्चारकर्मीमाझ आफ्नी हिरोईनको परिचय गरायो ।

विगत एघार बर्षदेखि काठमाण्डूको चाबहिलमा बस्ने बिरगञ्जकी रैथाने सुजाता कोईराला सो फिल्मकी हिरोईन हुन् जो गोपीकृष्ण टिभी फिल्मीले आयोजना गरेको को बन्छ कलाकारको टप टेन राउन्डमा पुगे पश्चात निर्देशक गणेश देव पाण्डेको नजरमा परेकी थिईन् । 'हामीलाई हिरोईन भन्दा पनि सिम्पल अनि ईनोसेन्ट लुक्स भएको क्यारेक्टर चाहिएको थियो जुन सुजातामा हामीले देख्यौं अनि लिड रोल दिएका हौं', निर्देशक पाण्डेले भने । गणेश देवले २० भन्दा बढी नयाँ अनुहारहरुको अडिसन लिएका थिए जस मध्ये भाग्यमानी बनिन् सुजाता ।

ग्लोबल कलेजमा कक्षा १२ मा पढ्ने सुजाताको उमेर अहिले अठार छ जसको अभिनय अत्यन्त उत्कृष्ट रहेको मञ्जरी युनिटका सदस्यले जानकारी गराए । ४५ केजी तौल भएकी ५.२ इन्च उचाईकी सुजाताको बिषयमा सुटिङ सेटमा भेटिएका प्रोड्यूसर प्रदीप उदय पनि तारिफ गर्छन् । यस्तै बरिष्ठ पत्रकार शान्ति प्रियले पनि उनको लुक्स बेबी हिरोईनका लागि फर्केट रहेको तर्क दिए । मालतीको भट्टी मार्फत डेब्यू गराएका आफ्ना निर्देशक पाण्डेले बनाएको सो फिल्ममा प्रदीपको पनि लगानी रहने बताईएको थियो तर सोलो प्रोड्यूसरको रुपमा आउने भन्दै अन्तिम समयमा उनले यस फिल्ममा लगानी गरेनन् ।

फिल्ममा सुजाताको अपोजिट बरिष्ठ कलाकार टिका पहारीका छोरा गौरव हिरो भएका छन् । गौरव यसै फिल्म मार्फत नेपाल रजतपटमा भित्रिदैछन् । संयोग पनि कस्तो मिलेको बाबु छोरा नै यो फिल्मका प्रमुख कलाकार हुन् तर फिल्म भित्र गौरवले आफ्नो बुबालाई्र ससुरा भनेका छन् । टुका ईन्टरटेन्मेन्टको ब्यानरमा भारतीय क्यामेरा पर्सनका साथमा धमाधम सुटिङ भईरहेको सो फिल्मको मेजर सिन खिच्ने कार्य बुधबार देखि सम्पन्न भएको छ । यध्यपी औपचारिक रुपमै प्याकअप हुन अझै तीन दिन लाग्ने बताईएको छ । फिल्मको प्याचअपका केही दृश्य कैदका लागि मञ्जरी युनिट आज काठमाण्डौ उपत्यका बाहिर जाँदैछ ।

बिजनेस प्रिभ्यूः दोसाँधमा मायाज बार

फिल्म निर्माण भएपछि निर्माता निर्देशकको एउटै दावी हुन्छ फिल्म फरक छ दर्शकले मन पराउँछन् । बजार हिस्सा बढ्ने क्रममा रहेको यो क्षेत्रमा अझै पनि माग भन्दा बढी फिल्महरु बजारमा भिडिरहेका छन् । यस्तो बजार संरचनामा फिल्मले व्यापार गर्नु भनेको मुस्किलको कुरा हो तर पनि नयाँ नयाँ फिल्म विग बजेटमा बन्दै दर्शक तान्ने सुरमा छन् ।

बजार शास्त्रको सामान्य नियममा पनि रहने हो भने डिमाण्ड भन्दा बढी सप्लाई भयो भने त्यो बजार संरचनामा बस्तु तथा सेवा दुवै घाटामा जान्छन् तर नेपाली फिल्मको सप्ताहन्त साइत शुक्रवारलाई क्यालेण्डरमा रेडमार्क गरेर बसेका निर्देशक डिनेश डिसीको ड्रिम प्रोजेक्ट मायाज बार यो शुक्रवारदेखी काठमाडौँ उपत्यका टेरिटोरीमा लाग्दैछ त्यो पनि सोलो यसको मतलब माग अनुसारकै यो हप्ता फिल्म छ त्यो पनि विना प्रतिस्पर्धामा । सायद पछि त्यस्तै मनोभाव बोकेका दर्शकहरु त्यसपछिका रिलिज फिल्ममा सन्तुष्ट नभएका अवस्थामा मायाज बारको ककटेल (मिश्रित) फर्मुलाले केही डोज दिन्छ भन्ने प्रक्षेपण पनि गरिएको छ ।

निर्माणको घोषणासँगै चर्चामा रहेको यो फिल्म रिलिज पूर्वको समाचार कभरेज र सोसल साइटहरुमा गरिएको भर्चुअल पब्लिसिटीले नयाँ स्वाद खोजेका दर्शक पनि यसको लक्षित वर्ग बन्न पुगेका छन् । यस बाहेक परम्परागत दर्शकका लागि यो फिल्म आफैमा सुत्र हो । नेपाली फिल्ममा सहरी दर्शक विस्तारै बढिरहेका छन् । खासमा मल्टिप्लेक्स दर्शकहरुको फिल्म मनोभावमा विस्तारै परिवर्तन पनि आएको छ । मल्टिप्लेक्स दर्शक तान्नका लागि मायाज बार सफल पनि हुने देखिन्छ । फिल्मको विषय उठानका हिसाबले पब्लिसिटी र रिलिज पूर्वको समाचार कभरेज, मेकिङ अफ मायाज बार स्टोरी र कलाकारको स्टारभ्यालू तथा फस्ट टाइम महानायक राजेश हमालको अपोजिट रोल (भिलेन) को भूमिका कारण पनि यो फिल्म दर्शक तान्नमा सफल हुनेछ तर राजेश हमालको भूमिकाका विषयमा भने माउथ पब्लिसिटीमा भर पर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ कारण उनलाई पब्लिसिटीमा त्यति ल्याइएको छैन ।
११ लाख पब्लिसिटी खर्च सहित १ करोड ३५ लाखमा निर्माण गरिएको भनिएको यो फिल्मको बजेट औषत नेपाली फिल्म निर्माणको लागत भन्दा करिब ३ गुणा बढि हो । त्यसैले मायाज बारले लगानी उठाउनका लागि पनि तिन गुणा मिहिनेत गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । दावी अनुसार आधा दशक यता विग बजेटमा निर्माण भएको फिल्म पनि मायाज बार नै हो । यति ठूलो बजेट हुनुको कारण निर्माता सुनिल मानन्धर भन्छन्, 'फिल्मका लागि कुनै पनि कुरामा सम्झौता गरिएको छैन । हरेक गीतका लागि सेट तयार बनाइएको छ ।' खास सुटिङ लम्बेर पनि खर्च बढेको उनी बताउँछन् । यो चलचित्रलाई ब्राण्डको रुपमा लैजान पनि खुलेर नै खर्च गरिएको उनको भनाई छ ।

फिल्म उपत्यका टेरिटोरीको मेजर स्टेशन सहित २० पर्दामा लाग्दैछ । एक्लो रेसमा रहेको र सम्भवत धेरै नै स्टेशन पाएको यो फिल्मले केही हप्तादेखी फिल्मबाट सन्तुष्ट नभएका दर्शकहरुको सुरुमा साथ पाउने भने पक्का छ । १८ गते विहिवार देखी मोसफल टेरिटोरीमा ५० पर्दामा लाग्ने यो फिल्म मोसफलको ठूलो हिस्सा साथ पाएका कारण पनि थप विजनेस गर्ने छ । १२ गतेदेखी उपत्यका र १८ गतेदेखी मोसफलमा लाग्ने यो फिल्मले रिलिजको ९ दिनमा ४ दिन विदा पनि पाएको छ । १३ गते र २० गते शनिबार छ भने १८ गते रक्षाबन्धन तथा १९ गते गाइजात्रा यो विदाका कारण पनि फिल्मको विजनेस ग्राफ उकालो लाग्ने पक्का छ । अर्को हप्ता पनि जंगल लभ बाहेक अर्को फिल्मको अहिलेसम्म रिलिज डेट पक्का भएको छैन । त्यसैले मायाज बारको बिजनेस पनि कुरेका छन् धेरै निर्माता निर्देशकहरुले ।

यो फिल्मलाई मोसफलमा संसार आफ्नैले विजनेशमा असर भने पुर्याउँछ । १८ गते संसार आफ्नै लाग्ने पक्का जस्तै छ । अर्का हप्ता पनि अरु फिल्म लागेन भने ओरल पब्लिसिटीमा भरपर्ने दर्शकहरु तानिने सम्भावना हुन्छ । नेपालको प्रदर्शनले मात्र फिल्मको लगानी रिकभरमा हम्मे हम्मे पर्छ त्यसैले निर्माताको दाउ डायस्पोरा रिलिजमा छ । डायस्पोराबाट कम्तीमा ५० लाख उठाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ । फिल्मले अहिले नै अमेरिकामा १५ लाख, अष्ट्रेलियामा ७ लाख, यूकेमा ५ लाख, कतारमा ३ लाखको सम्झौता पाइसकेको छ । त्यस्तै मलेशिया, दुबई, इजराल, ब्रुनाईको प्रस्ताव स्विकार्ने हो भने डायस्पोराको लक्ष्य पनि पुरा हुन्छ त्यस बाहेक अन्य देशमा पनि यसको माग आउँछ र अरु विजनेस पनि बढ्छ । फिल्मको डिभिडी राइटका लागि १२ लाखको अन्तिम सम्झौता हुन बाँकी छ । यसले पनि फिल्मलाई राहत प्रदान गर्दछ ।
यो फिल्मलाई मोसफलमा संसार आफ्नैले विजनेशमा असर भने पुर्याउँछ । १८ गते संसार आफ्नै लाग्ने पक्का जस्तै छ । अर्का हप्ता पनि अरु फिल्म लागेन भने ओरल पब्लिसिटीमा भरपर्ने दर्शकहरु तानिने सम्भावना हुन्छ । नेपालको प्रदर्शनले मात्र फिल्मको लगानी रिकभरमा हम्मे हम्मे पर्छ त्यसैले निर्माताको दाउ डायस्पोरा रिलिजमा छ । डायस्पोराबाट कम्तीमा ५० लाख उठाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ । फिल्मले अहिले नै अमेरिकामा १५ लाख, अष्ट्रेलियामा ७ लाख, यूकेमा ५ लाख, कतारमा ३ लाखको सम्झौता पाइसकेको छ । त्यस्तै मलेशिया, दुबई, इजराल, ब्रुनाईको प्रस्ताव स्विकार्ने हो भने डायस्पोराको लक्ष्य पनि पुरा हुन्छ त्यस बाहेक अन्य देशमा पनि यसको माग आउँछ र अरु विजनेस पनि बढ्छ । फिल्मको डिभिडी राइटका लागि १२ लाखको अन्तिम सम्झौता हुन बाँकी छ । यसले पनि फिल्मलाई राहत प्रदान गर्दछ ।वितरकबाट निर्माता बनेका सुनिल मानन्धरको आफ्नै फिल्म भएको कारण ३५ प्रतिशतमा उनलाई चित्त बुझाउनु पर्देन किनकी वितरकको १५ प्रतिशत उनकै हो यसको मतलब ५० प्रतिशतमा सुरक्षित रहेका उनी आफ्नै समन्वयका कारण देशहरुको हलबाट थप फाइदामा हुनेछन् । फिल्म चलाउन निर्देशक डिनेश डिसीको पर्सनालिटीले पनि फाइदा पुग्छ । पाँच बर्ष पछिको कमव्याक भएका उनी यो फिल्मबाट बढि आशावादी छन् । फिल्ममा रियालिटी शोबाट उदाएका नायक गजित विष्टको डेब्यू छ । खोजी प्रतिभाबाट आएका यी तन्नेरीको अभिनयको कौशल टेलिभिजन दर्शकले मन पराइसकेका छन् । त्यसैले टेलिभिजन दर्शक पनि फिल्मको दर्शक पनि स्वत बन्नेछन् । यस बाहेक खोजी प्रतिभाको प्लेटफर्म पनि मायाज बारको पब्लिसिटीका लागि प्रयोग गरिएको थियो । यसले पनि प्रभाव बढाउने छ ।
फिल्ममा निशा अधिकारी, करिस्मा मानन्धर, राजेश हमाल, नगेन्द्र रिजाल, विश्वका कान्छा फोटोग्राफर रिरेन्द्र श्रेष्ठको अभिनय छ । फिल्ममा करिस्मा मानन्धर सिनियर डान्सर हुन्छिन् भने उनले नै निशा अधिकारीलाई बारमा ल्याउने काम गर्छिन् । गजित विष्ट व्यावसायिक बक्सर हुन्छन् । निशा र गजितले एक अर्काको पेशा मन नपराउने विचको कथा यसका बुनिएको छ । फिल्ममा राजेश हमाल क्लब र बार चलाउने डन हुन्छन् । फिल्मले सबै वर्गको दर्शकलाई तान्न सक्ने अपेक्षा छ । तर विजनेसको कुरामा मायाज बारलाई गार्हो हुन्छ । फिल्म ब्लकबष्टर भए पनि लगानी रिकभरमा गार्हो छ । १ करोड ३५ लाख बजेटको यो फिल्मले ३ करोडभन्दा बढि व्यापार गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । पछिल्लो पटक चलेका चलचित्र लुट, चपली हाइट र सायद पनि ३ करोडको व्यापार भने नाघेका छैनन् ।

अर्काको भाग खोस्दिन भन्दा मेरै खोस्न थाले : सुमन सिंह

बुधबार पुतलीसडक स्थित एक स्टुडियोमा फिल्म 'ॐ' को डबिङ गर्ने क्रममा भेटिएका सुमन सिंहले आफ्ना मनका पिडाहरू फिल्मीखबर समक्ष खोले । उनले आफूमाथी लागेका आरोपहरूको पनि खण्डन गरे ।

लय संग्रौलाको टेलिफिल्म 'क्याटमाण्डू' बाट कलाकार बनेका सुमनले हालसम्म थुप्रै फिल्ममा अभिनय गरिसके तर पनि उनलाई सफल हिरोको रूपमा मिडियाले लिएन । सुमन दु:ख व्यक्त गर्दै भन्छन्, 'म कम बोल्ने भएकाले मिडियामा खासै नआएको हो तर मलाई दर्शकले हरपल माया गर्नु भएको छ र मेरो फिल्मलाई मन पराईदिनु भएको छ त्यसैले म आफूलाई असफल भनेर भन्दिन ।' दर्शकको माया नपाएको भए आफू पहिल्यै पलायन हुनसक्ने सुमनको भनाई छ ।

जो चल्दैन उसले काम पनि पाउँदैन भन्ने मान्यता राखेका सुमनले आफू चलिरहेकाले व्यस्त पनि भएको बताए । उनले भने, 'मैले काम पाईरहेको छु त्यसैले म चलिरहेको छु । मात्र यति हो कि म मिडियामा कम आउँछु ।' मिडियामा कम आउनुको कारण खोल्दै सुमनले भने, 'अभिनय नै नजान्ने मान्छेलाई लय दाईले कन्फिडेन्टका साथ ल्याउनु भयो । त्यसपछि दिनप्रतिदिन काम पाउँदै गएँ तर मिडिया सामु बोल्न डराउँथें । कतै मैले बोल्दा नराम्रो हुन्छ कि भनेर सकेसम्म नबोली बस्थें सायद त्यहि भएर होला म मिडियासामु नचल्ने हिरो भएको ।'

कुनैबेला राजेश हमाल, शिब श्रेष्ठ, भुवन केसी, निखिल उप्रेती, बिराज भट्ट लगायतका सिनियर कलाकारको व्यस्तता र क्रेज देखेर लोभिने सुमन अहिले आफू व्यस्त हुनु र दर्शकको माया पाउनुलाई आफ्नो काम प्रतिको लगाव, मेहनत र अग्रजहरूले देखाएको बाटोमा लाग्नु रहेको बताउँछन् । राजेन्द्र खड्गीले रणसंग्राममा मुख्य भुमिका दिएपछि अहिलेसम्म पछाडी फर्केर हेर्न नपरेकोले राजेन्द्र प्रति आभार व्यक्त गर्दै सुमनले भने, 'बेला बेला आफ्नै नजिकका साथीहरूले धोका दिंदा भने सार्‍है दु:ख लाग्छ ।' उनी थप्छन्, 'मैले कहिल्लै अर्काको भाग खोस्न जानिन तर अरूले भने मेरो भाग खोस्दा दु:ख लाग्छ ।'

नेपाली फिल्मलाई बिश्व बजारमा पुर्‍याउनुपर्छ भन्ने मान्यता राख्दै सुमन अहिले आफू पनि सो मार्केट खोज्न लागि परेका छन् । उनी भन्छन्, 'मैले जानेको बुझेको यहि क्षेत्र हो त्यसैले यो क्षेत्रको विकासका लागि ग्लोबल मार्केटको खोजीका लागि म आफै पनो पहल गर्दैछु ।' आफ्नै पहलमा दुबईमा थुप्रै नेपाली फिल्म रिलिजको क्रममा रहेको बताउँदै सुमनले उक्त कार्यलाई निरन्तरता दिने बताए । सुमनले अभिनय गरेका ॐ, ब्ल्याक मेल र रंग जस्ता आशलाग्दा फिल्म यहि भाद्र महिनामा रिलिज हुँदैछन् ।
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